baby Eczema remedies and causes

Baby eczema: causes & remedies

These little patches of irritated skin could be baby eczema. No need to worry though, even though it can look bad, baby eczema is fairly common and there’s different ways to help it heal. What is baby eczema? Atopic dermatitis, more often called eczema, is … Read more

baby rash remedies remèdes contre les irritations des bébés

Natural baby rash remedies

Your baby’s soft gentle skin is just wonderful, unfortunately it’s also very sensitive and with so many environmental factors to consider it needs to be protected. Thankfully, there are natural baby rash remedies. It’s common for newborns and young children to get rashes and depending … Read more

cradle cap remedies healing

Cradle cap: Natural remedies for newborns & toddlers

Rough scaly yellow patches, cradle cap is mostly a cosmetic issue and nothing to worry about. This harmless skin condition typically clears up on its own. However, there’s some simple methods to help speed things along gently and naturally for your baby. What causes cradle … Read more

Caesarean C-section scar healing

C-section scar: healing & care

I wanted to share with you some tips for mums out there, who had a C-section or will have a C-section. I had a C-section when Luca was born and at the time, I wasn’t sure what I had to do to help my body … Read more

If we are well informed about what to expect and how to deal with it, we can make healing your body & mind postpartum a better experience.

5 tips to help your body & mind heal postpartum

Healing our body & mind postpartum can be a better experience if we are well informed about what to expect and how to deal with it. Most of the time, we focus on the pregnancy period, taking vitamins, eating right, moisturizing, preparing for the baby… … Read more

Why Are We Supporting Orang-utan Conservation Projects?

Many people have asked me why is Petit Jovial supporting orang-utan projects In Indonesia. For a start, I think these creatures are simply adorable. They are also very close relatives to us and they share 97% of their DNA with human beings.  Orang-utans can only … Read more

A spotlight on Shea Butter

One of the key ingredients we use in our Nourishing balm is Shea Butter. This is one of my favourite butters, which I use on a daily basis. I am not surprised that women in sub-Saharan Africa have been using this emollient for centuries to … Read more